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A Vibrant Community Today

The Catholic Church in Japan: A History of Resilience and Growth

A Vibrant Community Today

As of 2021, there were approximately 460,000 Catholics in Japan, forming a vibrant and active community. The Catholic Bishops Conference of Japan (CBCJ) serves as the national episcopal conference, providing guidance and support to the Catholic Church in the country.

A History of Persecution and Resilience

However, the Catholic Church in Japan has faced significant challenges throughout its history. During the 17th century, the Catholic remnant in Japan was driven underground and its members became known as the Hidden Christians. They endured centuries of persecution and isolation, but their faith remained strong.

Advancing the Message of Love

Today, the Catholic Church in Japan continues to play an important role in society. Guided by the motto "As I have loved you, John 13:34," the CBCJ emphasizes the importance of love and unity. The Church actively promotes interfaith dialogue and works to build bridges between different communities.
